Friday, September 30, 2011

34 wks pregnant updates..

So today I had a regular doctors checkup. The protein in my urine was high, so they want me to go back Monday so they can check my urine again. If its still high I will most likely have to get an ultrasound to make sure that he is growing correctly. I guess if the baby cannot get enough protein it can make it so they dont grow properly. So hopefully everything monday comes out fine...

I had my baby shower last saturday! I got a few things that I did need. A lot of the people that were supposed to come ditched me which really depressed me. Just because they said they would come but waited till the last minute to tell me they couldnt come, or didnt tell me at all. There are a few exceptions to this. There were some people I understand why they couldnt come. But I am glad for the people that came. I really liked everything that I got!!

Well thats it for now. I have about a month left! Lets hope everything goes well! :)