Tuesday, August 9, 2011

3rd Trimester!!

So as a Friday I will be in my 3rd trimester! I cant believe it! I do feel like I have been pregnant forever, but at the same time, its going pretty fast!

I've been having some crazy dreams lately. Last night I had a dream that my baby had fingers growing out of his back! Weird I know!

I've been having terrible headaches, so I called my doctor and they prescribed me vicodin. It has been helping a bit.

At my last apt I gained 5lbs in  month! I couldnt believe it. My doctor said she wants me gaining around a 1lb a wk, so I was a little over! haha.

Tomorrow Im going shopping with my sister. We are going to once upon a child so hopefully I can get some more outfits! I feel like I have nothing! I need a small desser for all Brody's clothes, but I cant find one that isnt way too expensive. ugh!

Well thats all for now! I will post more later! :)

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