Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ultrasound Wednesday.

So I have my first ultrasound of the pregnancy this Wednesday, June 15th. I will also be 19 wks pregnant that day as well. Needless to say I am super nervous because I keep thinking about there being something wrong with the baby.  I think I might read too much stuff online!! haha! I know there is a very slim chance that anything will be wrong, but I can't help but worry.

I am going to find out the sex of the baby. My dad is hoping for a boy because they are easier to deal with. Im torn. I dont want a diva girl, I was never like that when I was a kid! I was a tom boy. Loved sports, so hopefully if I am having a girl she will be like me! :)

This pregnancy thus far has been rough for me as I lost my job not long after I told everyone at work I was pregnant. Thank goodness I am now recieving unemployment and I am on medicaid as well so that is a huge help!

Well this is where I will keep everyone updated on whats going on through my pregnancy! Thanks for reading! :)

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